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Secretary of Rho Rho Rho
large product photo   Kait Birghenthal

I was born on a bitterly cold Miami morning…  Okay it was probably blistering hot, but either way, I was born and raised in the city we all currently call home.  Ironically, I really didn't like the beach as a kid, so my fascination with the ocean was more or less random. Orange and green has also been in my blood since I was a wee-one, as was Hurricane football, so UM was an ideal choice.  The rest, shall we say, is history.   Now I'm a Marine Affairs major who will kick your butt if I see you not recycling.  I'm also an avid rock music fan, concert go-er, baker, and Disney lover through and through.  Aside from being your oh-so-eager Secretary, I am also an MSC Peer Counselor. Oh, and Alycia and I love cupcakes.